November 06, 2016


“so what was it like
to grow up with sisters?”
asks my little boy
the one and the only

“sisters!” I exclaim
trying to sum it up
where does one start?
can one even describe?
“did they drive you nuts?”
asks the cheeky one
impatient for answers
needing black and white
“yeah they sure did”
I join his joyous laugh
“though I drove them nuttier!
I am sure I must have!”
he wanders away sated
back to his compact world
of cuddles unrivalled
and attention absolute

I am left alone
to ponder the murky depths
of siblinghood divine
the membership for life

the duels and the spats
‘you were adopted’ stories
shared bedrooms and lives
and the ‘just being there’ times

how do you summarise
a caring so deep
we hardly ever show
and never express in words?
with a sigh I give up
with no answer defined
just knowing  that with sisters
life hurts a bit  less

picture drawn with MS paint


  1. / “so what was it like
    to grow up with sisters?”
    asks my little boy
    the one and the only /

    Goodness me, Malee,
    isn't it clear as an "අතැඹුලක් සේ"
    What he really wants is not a long winded speech,
    From you about sisters,


    A real live sister of course,
    So stop this dilly dallying at once
    And get on with fulfilling his wish.
