April 29, 2020

Serendipity and Jim Moore's poems

Sometimes wonder awaits you as a glimpse of a flower during a walk, the sharp bright blue of the sky or.... as a poem that you stumble upon by accident.

Some emotions cannot be put to words. But seems that Jim Moore, the poet, manages to.

True Enough, by Jim Moore

               I have forgotten many things.
But I do remember
              the bank of clover along the freeway
we were passing thirty years ago
               when someone I loved made clear to me
it was over.

Love in the Ruins by Jim Moore

1. I remember my mother toward the end,

folding the tablecloth after dinner
                so carefully,
as if it were the flag
               of a country that no longer existed,
but once had ruled the world.

5. Survived

another winter: my black stocking cap,
                my mismatched gloves,
my suspicious, chilly heart.

photo- flowers on a corkscrew vine, on my morning walk- Burwood Vic

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